A well-known food supplement can reduce the amount of fat in the liver
Scientists of the Finnish University conducted study to learn about the effect of bacteria on the development of fatty liver syndrome. With this disease, the risk of diabetes, hypertension and kidney diseases increases.
A research group of the Academy of Finland led by Satu Pekkala conducted several experiments on mice. Scientists have managed to establish that bacteria useful for the intestines can reduce the risk of liver disease.
“We wanted to find out if we could increase its natural content in the gut with prebiotic fibers,” Pekkalu explained. It turns out that using xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the body, while reducing the amount of fat in the liver.
This supplement is safe for humans and available at any pharmacy. Currently, researchers are planning to conduct experiments with the participation of people suffering from fatty liver disease.
At the same time, scientists emphasize that you should not forget to eat properly, avoid bad habits and lead an active lifestyle. This should be done not only for prevention, but also in the presence of liver disease.
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