A well-known fruit was called the key to longevity
It is no secret that life expectancy can increase with the help of proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and sports. First of all, experts advise to eat more fruits and vegetables. However, one useful fruit is usually forgotten, despite the fact that it is in any supermarket.
We are talking about pears. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and contains 18% of the recommended daily allowance of fiber, as well as 8% and 6% of the daily allowance of vitamin K and copper, respectively.
Pear slows aging and increases life expectancy thanks to antioxidants that protect cells from harmful the influence of free radicals. The fruit is also effective against inflammation that leads to various chronic diseases.
This fruit is sweet, but it does not cause spikes in blood sugar, but rather stabilizes it. Therefore, diabetics are recommended to eat pears. They also help control weight. Thanks to its high fiber content, this fruit can keep you feeling full longer.
Another useful property of pears is the ability to maintain intestinal health. The substances contained in it serve as food for “good” bacteria that support digestion and cleanse the body of harmful microbes.
According to some studies, pears are also able to reduce the risk of developing cancer, which is associated with their content. antioxidants.
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