A woman called the police to escape from a first date: what was the ending of this story


A woman was arrested for falsely reporting a crime after she called the police and made up a story to avoid a first date.

About reports the Daily Mail.

18-year-old Sumaya Thomas had planned a romantic night out with a man she met on a dating app, but when he arrived on her doorstep on June 16, she suddenly went “numb” and called the cops.

A woman from North -Liberty, Iowa, USA, told officers the man was a “violent” ex who had “threatened” to physically harm her, according to an affidavit in the bizarre case.

Thomas, who also falsely claimed that she was pregnant by this man, said that he planned to “beat, push and cut her”.

When police arrived at the scene, the man told them he had met Sumaya on a dating app about a week earlier, providing officials with evidence of correspondence between the pair.

“The conversation showed that he was honest and genuine just met this woman,” the affidavit states.

However, Thomas told officers they had known each other for two years and accused the man of being “brutal” and “threatening to harm her,” claiming at the same time that their written communication was via Snapchat.

Police later found out that Thomas was lying and she eventually “admitted that she made these false statements because she was scared to meet him.”< /p>

The report states that “she did not think law enforcement would help, so she made up this call and the events she described.”

As a result, the man, whose name has not been released, was detained for more than an hour. According to the report, Thomas was arrested and charged with two counts of falsely reporting a crime, a felony, and one count of falsely reporting a 911 call.

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Author: alex

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