A woman claims that she has not slept for more than 30 years: what she looks like and how she lives

A Vietnamese woman has been dubbed the “sleepless mutant” because of her alleged ability to completely avoid sleep. 

She claims to have been awake for the past three decades.

This is reported by Oddity Central.

Nguyen Ngoc Mi Kim, 49, is known as the “seamstress who never sleeps” in her home province of Long An. She happily accepts this nickname. Whenever Kim's reputation has attracted the attention of the media, she has confirmed that she has not slept for several decades, adding that the complete lack of sleep has not affected her health in any way.

The woman claims that she hasn't slept for over 30 years: what does she look like and how does she live

However, the Vietnamese seamstress was always quick to point out that she wasn't born with the ability to function without sleep, she had trained herself to go to bed late since she was a little girl. At first she lost sleep because she liked to read late into the night, and later when she started working as a seamstress, she worked late to fulfill her orders. For a moment she didn't feel the need to sleep at all, so she didn't sleep at all.

“It was like this every night: I sat in front of my sewing machine and did not dare to sleep, because I was afraid of not being able to cope with the orders,” Nguyen Ngoc told reporters. “The first few times I worked all night, I faced many difficulties. Not only did I keep falling asleep and make a lot of mistakes while sewing, but I also felt tired and dizzy all the time, and even got into several traffic accidents. However, after going months and then years without sleep, my eyes and my body became accustomed to the lack of sleep. Since then, I couldn't sleep, even if I wanted to”.

Woman claims she hasn't slept for over 30 years: what she looks like and how she lives

Nguyen Ngoc Mi Kim's decade-long insomnia has yet to be medically confirmed, but it's more than just a viral rumor. She claims that this is mainly because people can see her working all day and all night because she is always at her sewing shop in Long Kang Commune, Long An. The lights are always on and the door is always open, so people can just walk in and watch her work if they want to.

“At first, few people paid attention to my lack of sleep,” Mi Kim said. “Later, many of them began to notice that I always work in my bench. Seeing that the rumors were true, they spread them and soon I became famous for my ability to stay up all night.”

The news that Kim has not slept for 30 years recently went viral on Vietnamese social media, and the seamstress once again found herself inundated with visitors coming from all over the country to meet her and see if the rumors were true. She doesn't mind, so her door is always open.

Vietnam is, after all, a land of insomniacs, with Nguyen Ngoc My Kim being at least the third famous person from this Asian country who is able to completely avoid sleep. So, last year it became known about Tran Thi Luu, who claimed that she had not slept for more than ten years.

An 80-year-old farmer, Thai Ngoc, who said that he had not slept for 60 years, also became famous. He stated that he closed his eyes for the last time in 1962.

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Author: alex

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