According to doctors, in the fight against any disease will help proper nutrition
According to the statement of doctors, almost all diseases have a positive effect on the right diet. Some of them can even cure by taking some food.
Hypertension – increased pressure in the vessels, causes low mobility, stress and overweight. According to doctors, dash diet is most effective. It involves the use of fresh fruits and vegetables, with rice or whole grain pasta. This diet helps to reduce blood pressure by 11 mm Hg.
diabetes occurs primarily because of an unhealthy lifestyle. To reduce blood glucose levels, it is recommended to digest food. Eggs, meat, fish, milk and nuts, that is, protein food, fruits will also be useful. Exclude from the diet it is recommended sweets and dishes that contain white flour.
In osteoarthritis – diseases associated with the wear of the articular cartilage, experts recommend foods with high content of anti -inflammatory elements, for example, to use two tablespoons of crushed collection of herbs from cumin, thyme, mint, fennel daily. Various berries, vegetables and fish are also useful. Doctors advise to give up sweets, bread, dairy products and cabbage. And smoking. Scientists say that the development of tumors is facilitated by simple carbohydrates and sugar. At the moment, the efficiency of anticancer nutrition in the first place is the keto diet, the essence of which is in the slope of protein and fats. However, long -term studies of the impact of this method of eating do not exist yet.
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