Acne makes people smarter
Youthful acne leads to future success. This is the conclusion reached by American scientists from Emory and Ball State universities.
Since 1994, experts have studied more than 100,000 young men and women. About half of the surveyed teenagers suffered from acne. In this regard, some of the young people with skin problems had lower self-esteem than their peers. They avoided loud companies and mass events, and spent most of their free time at home reading books and thinking.
Experts have found that this lifestyle allowed teenagers to achieve better academic success. This gave them the opportunity to obtain higher education in the future and make a career in adulthood.
It is noteworthy that by this time, skin problems in young people end, and self-esteem returns to an adequate level. This fact distinguishes acne problems from psychological disorders caused by psychological pressure and other life difficulties.
Despite such positive findings, acne needs to be treated. For this, it is worth contacting specialists and, first of all, finding out the cause of this problem.
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