Action plan for rescuing and reviving plants that have dried up in a pot
Plants need proper watering. Only through regular and systematic implementation of the regime can the normal life of the plant be ensured. If you have not done this and the plant has dried up, you need to save it.
Rescue plan
First of all, you need to resume watering, but check the level of dryness of the soil. You can insert a wooden stick. It will be visible where there is moisture or where there is none at all. If it is completely dry, then pour it so that the water flows out of the drainage holes.
Inspect the plant itself. Everything that is dead and dried should be removed. This will promote recovery and awakening, if the plant still has such a resource. By the way, there may be pests in the dry parts, so do not be stingy and remove everything as much as possible.
The plant needs lighting. If necessary, supplement with phytolamps. At least 8 hours are needed to ensure normal vital activity. Of course, monitor the condition of the plant, how it reacts to lighting. If necessary, change the location.
Do not forget that the plant needs feeding. But it is better to first check the condition of the root system, process it, update and transplant it, and then add water-soluble fertilizers for better growth. If everything is done correctly, the dried plant can be saved.
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