Activated charcoal can seriously harm your health
The doctor told what the use of activated charcoal without the supervision of a therapist can lead to.
Activated charcoal has long been extremely popular among Ukrainians. It can be bought at any pharmacy for a ridiculous price. And these black tablets are sold freely and without a doctor's prescription. The drug is effective for indigestion and poisoning. In addition, activated charcoal has become popular among those who want to lose weight.
But not everything is as simple and safe as it is commonly believed! Recently, scientists have experimentally established that activated charcoal can be dangerous to health. In addition, before using it, you should always consult a doctor. This is especially important for people who suffer from ulcerative colitis. The drug should also not be taken by people who have bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
– In pharmacology, activated charcoal is used in the production of antibiotics. It also helps cleanse the blood, removes toxins and allows the body to get rid of bacteria. But the fact is that it expels not only harmful, but also beneficial representatives of the microbiome, – says the gastroenterologist.
Due to such cleansing, the intestinal microflora deteriorates, which is why frequent constipation, hypovitaminosis, diarrhea and other digestive disorders occur.
The gastroenterologist does not advise using this drug often, and if such a need suddenly arises, it is better to ask permission from the therapist.
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