Affordable products will help prevent vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D is necessary for a person for the proper functioning of the body. Its deficiency can have devastating consequences. A lack of the substance is often manifested by severe fatigue, bone pain and depression. Doctors have listed the available food products that will help fill the vitamin deficiency.
Milk and yogurt are important sources of vitamin D, doctors note. They make up 10-20% of the daily norm of the substance. In addition, these products contain probiotics useful for the intestines.
A large amount of the vitamin is found in fatty fish: tuna, salmon and mackerel. So, approximately 85 g of salmon provide more than 100% of the daily norm in the substance. Experts indicate that the same amount of canned tuna contains 154 IU of vitamin D.
Mushrooms are rich in the substance. They contain approximately 124-1022 ME in one serving (100 g). The vitamin in mushrooms is produced under the influence of UV rays even after they have been harvested, so the level of the substance depends on the amount of sunlight.
Vitamin D is found in eggs: one yolk is 10% of the daily norm of the substance. Doctors recommend including the product in your diet, especially if you give up meat.
Source storinka.com.ua
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