Against inflammation, high sugar and for the heart: a simple but healthy morning porridge

The leguminous culture, which is the basis for this simple porridge, contains a large number of useful substances. You can prepare a morning meal from it, replacing traditional oatmeal or buckwheat with it.

We are talking about chickpeas and, as a result, chickpea porridge. When, why and why is it useful?


Nutrients contained in chickpeas, such as vitamins A, C and B6, fiber , protein, magnesium, selenium, and iron, all of which help fight inflammation. This is indicated by a study published on the website of Syracuse University (USA).

Against high sugar

There are some preliminary research results that show that people who take chickpeas can reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes. In addition, experts note that the fiber in chickpeas helps reduce the risk of high blood sugar.

For the heart

Studies have shown that soluble fiber, which contained in chickpeas, reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases. It also contains potassium, which, according to the results of scientific works, can reduce the risk of heart attacks.

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Author: alex

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