Age after 60: doctors call mistakes dangerous to health and life
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If you're over 60 and still have a lot of plans ahead of you, here's what experts say you should stop doing.
Sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle doctors call it one of the most serious in its consequences mistakes, dangerous to health and life. Lack of movement, according to scientists, is the main risk factor for diseases that often appear after the age of 60 – dementia, diabetes, cancer, heart attack and stroke.
The good news is that even moderate activity can make a big difference to your health, and it's never too late to start exercising. This is the summary of a study published this week by Italian scientists from the University of Trieste. According to their data, just 20 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise a day is enough to delay heart disease in people over 70.
Take it easy on your weight gain.Statistically, more than 40% of women over the age of 65 show symptoms of obesity, and many at this age believe that obesity as they age is an inevitable factor.
However, increasing body weight increases the risk of a number of serious diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, dementia. If you're not paying attention, the pounds can creep up. Experts recommend regular exercise and a healthy diet to maintain a normal weight.
Social isolation.Many people stop socializing as they age, and this is also a mistake. According to several studies, loneliness stresses the body and weakens the immune system, because it contributes to the inertness of the brain, depriving it of the need to perform some tasks, and also promotes the emergence of unhealthy habits. Living in social isolation increases the risk of serious illnesses, including heart disease and dementia.
Alcohol abuse. Binge drinking among the 60+ age group is booming, with women particularly gravitating towards it. Meanwhile, scientists warn that the body of the elderly is more sensitive to alcohol: the drunk alcohol is broken down longer, the state of intoxication lasts longer, which makes the risk of accidents or falls more significant.
The toxic effect of alcohol in the elderly increases age-related changes occurring in the brain. As a result, psychoorganic diseases develop faster. In addition, alcoholism significantly increases the susceptibility to cirrhosis of the liver and its cancer, as well as cancer of other organs (for example, digestive tract, prostate gland).
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