Agronomists told what to do with siderats in the fall: leave them or dig them up
There is no consensus among summer residents about green manure. Not everyone knows what to do with it in the fall. To dig it up or not, to leave it to grow until spring or to mow it and leave it on the surface – these are topics that are the subject of much debate.
What experts say
Green manure is talked about every season. Of course, the soil needs to be nourished, its structure needs to be improved, so the decision about green manure should be made depending on the situation.
When to dig
You need to be guided by when the plants were planted. If green manure was sown at the end of August or in the first half of September, then it is recommended to dig. This will really be better for the soil. When the green mass rises, then you need to move on to digging.
If the sowing was much later, but by the later months the green mass with flowering has risen, there is a great risk of uncontrolled seed propagation. And this will become a problem the next year. What was supposed to be green manure will become thistle.
Taking into account the above factors, it is recommended to dig the green manure with the soil. This does not apply to winter green manure, which will definitely not become a weed in the country. In this case, the green manures grow until spring, and then they are dug up.
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