Alcohol can cause colon cancer: how much do you need to drink?

The latest data show that there is a “convincing link” between alcohol consumption and increased risk of bowel cancer.

Intestinal (colorectal) cancer occurs when malignant cells begin to divide uncontrollably and multiply in the colon. The exact reason that triggers this process is unknown.

However, studies show that some factors can increase the susceptibility to this disease. In particular, the cause of bowel cancer can be alcohol consumption.

According to scientific experts, “there is 'convincing evidence' that alcohol consumption increases the risk of bowel cancer”.

How much do you need to drink for this?Research provides the answer. In particular, it was found that the consumption of four or more alcoholic beverages per week is associated with the development of colorectal cancer. Earlier works of scientists say that the probability of getting colon cancer increases in those who drink one portion (10 grams of alcohol) every day.

With an increase in the amount of alcohol, the risk of the disease becomes more significant. According to data from the European Prospective Study of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), there is a “clear association” between drinking more than 30 grams of alcohol daily (that's about one and a half glasses of 13% wine) and the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Scientists clarify that the negative impact of alcohol as a possible cause of bowel cancer is particularly intense in men (compared to women). According to experts, this may be due to the fact that the two sexes break down alcohol differently.

Another significant lifestyle risk factor is the consumption of large amounts of red and processed meat. yasa, as well as a lack of fiber in the diet.

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Author: alex

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