All key factors are revealed that the frequency of sex depends on


American psychologist Michael Castlman He revealed all the key factors that depend on the frequency of sex. This list appeared: Education and Age.

The relationship expert is entrusted with research data, which in total participated about 7,000 married couples. As it turned out, in each age group after the initial “candy-bouquet period”, which lasts from six months to a year, the frequency of sex in almost all cases decreases.

The same trend is observed with age as older People become, the less intimate relationships. Important in this respect and satisfaction with family life, for example, happy couples have sex several times a week, unhappy – may not strive for this month.

The frequency of sex also depends on the state of health, chronic diseases. It is explained that the indicator varies very strongly in this case. It was also possible that people with secondary education do not particularly show interest in intimate life. Those who have graduated from a university, on the contrary, is a high mark, only with increasing degrees there is a decline. Religion also matters because too pious people consider sex sinful.

Some pregnant women want more sex, others are less, the rest of the do not feel any changes. The myth was that the parents of young children have neither time nor sex. The survey showed that it all depends on a particular couple. It should also be borne in mind that the frequency of sex can be in the first marriage, in the other – completely different. When working together, there is also a decrease in sexual attraction. According to Michael Castlman, there are three solutions to the problem: to divorce, to find a compromise, to have a more passionate partner on the side. The perfect solution is to go to each other to meet.

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Author: alex

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