Already next year humanity may disappear


Arithmetic Probability of the disappearance of the human race next year is 1,4,000.Humanity has a higher chance of being completely destroyed next year than each individual person is faced with a lightning blow. Researchers at the University of Oxford have calculated the likelihood of a human species to die from any catastrophic natural events in any year. It turned out to be 1 chance out of 14,000. The risk of disappearance of the human race increases as various artificial threats appear to be biological weapons and other mass destruction, as well as the impact on climate change.

The authors of the study decided to calculate the arithmetic probability of the disappearance of the human race from natural reasons, including the fall of asteroid and the eruption of supervulites. In order to answer these questions, they analyzed the data of 200,000 years of human existence on our planet. The calculations have shown that all of us have a higher chance of disappearing from the face of the earth than some of the human types of human race. If the probability of the first result is 1 by 14,000, then the second is only 1 by 700,000. The probability of being bitten by a shark is 1 by 650,000, and the chances of a man with an average wealth to start meeting the top model-1 at 880 000. Last year, another team of researchers developed a model to identify the three possible fates of our planet as the population grows and the deterioration of the situation with climate. The first option was the most optimistic, the second meant slow extinction, and a third-complete collapse. It turned out that the third option is the most likely.

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Author: alex

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