Alternative sources: how to add vitamin B12 to the diet

To maintain the health of the body a necessary balance of vitamins in food. Some substances can be obtained only from a small amount of food.

Vitamin B12, necessary for the production of healthy blood cells – erythrocytes, is found mainly in meat and fish. experts have compiled a list of products that will help those who do not like meat to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency.

Soy dishes

Many products soy products contain vitamin B12. It can be obtained from soy milk or fermented soybeans. These dishes are rich in protein and generally help to maintain a healthy lifestyle, experts note.

Fruits and vegetables

Vitamin B12, necessary for the normal functioning of the body, can be obtained from ordinary beet. It is also found in nutmeg.

What fruits are the best sources of vitamin B12?

  • apple;
  • orange;
  • banana;
  • mango.

Milk and milk products

Natural milk products contain quite a lot of vitamin B12. They are not suitable for vegans. But for those who simply eat little meat, sour milk cheese, cottage cheese and butter are suitable sources of this vitamin.

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Author: alex

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