Alzheimer's disease: seven “memory lapses” that indicate an early stage of dementia

The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. It usually develops after the age of 50. In the earliest stages of the disease, there are lapses in memory, which are sometimes ignored.

Currently, there is no complete understanding of the causes and course of Alzheimer's disease. Its main feature is the accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in brain tissues. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, so the key factor in treatment is early diagnosis, which allows slowing down the progression of dementia.

The first signs of the disease:

  • a person forgets about recent conversations and events;
  • objects in the house are found in unusual places. For example, the TV remote control is in the bathroom, and the shampoo is in the kitchen along with detergents;
  • difficulties with the names of places and objects;
  • a person cannot choose the right word;
  • asks questions repeatedly;
  • difficulties in thinking and making decisions;
  • the patient becomes more restless, there are periods of confusion.

How can you prevent Alzheimer's disease?

According to the National Health Service of Great Britain, a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the risk of developing the disease. It is necessary to give up smoking, large amounts of alcohol, follow a balanced diet, and do sports. It is also best to eliminate social isolation, spend more time with friends and loved ones.

Reading, learning foreign languages, playing musical instruments, participating in group sports will help stimulate the brain. It is necessary to try new activities, look for new hobbies and study.

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Author: alex

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