American doctors have proven the benefits of omega-3 in the fight against age-related diseases
The body's need for omega-3 acids has been known for a long time, but only now have scientists from the USA proven their benefits. As it turned out, similar compounds are able to suppress the development of age-related diseases.
A similar conclusion was reached by the staff of Carolina State University after a number of studies that confirmed the possibility of preventing strokes or Alzheimer's disease with the help of fatty acids.
The fact is that omega-3 compounds enhance autophagy, a mechanism for destroying damaged or old cells of the immune system. Experts recorded a decrease in inflammation in tested samples taken from rodents and humans.
The level of omega-3 in the body can be increased by consuming fatty types of fish, shellfish and blue-green algae. A positive side effect of such products can be “alleviation of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms”.
The only caution should be observed when eating marlin, tuna and mackerel, which contain traces of mercury and other dangerous toxins. This especially applies to women who are breastfeeding, pregnant and planning to have a baby, as well as small children.
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