American nutritionists compared the benefits of oranges and tangerines

Oranges and tangerines are one of the most popular citrus fruits in many countries, including Ukraine. These are closely related fruits. Scientists assume that oranges appeared as a hybrid of mandarin and the rarer pomelo.

Citrus benefits

Fruits, the Healthline portal reminds, are an important part of a healthy diet. American nutritionist Carrie-Ann Jennings urges to eat as many oranges, tangerines and lemons as possible. What are the benefits of citrus fruits?

  • Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and trace elements. One orange can provide the body's daily need for vitamin C. Citrus fruits are also rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper.
  • Citrus fruits have a lot of fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion. American nutritionists recommend consuming 14 grams of fiber for every thousand calories. And one cup of orange slices contains 4 g of fiber.
  • Citrus fruits contain few calories. They are good for those who want to lose weight.
  • Some researchers believe that eating citrus fruits can reduce the risk of kidney stones. This is due to the presence of citrates in them.
  • Citrus contains a lot of flavonoids. Research data shows that these substances can help reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • Fiber and flavonoids help regulate blood cholesterol levels. This can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritionists remind us that citrus fruits also have disadvantages. The acid in these fruits can contribute to the development of caries. There is also an allergy to citrus fruits. And grapefruits are not compatible with some categories of drugs.

Which is better – oranges or tangerines?

Which fruit is more useful – an orange or a tangerine? Nutritionists note that these fruits are very similar. Nutritionist Katherine Berkheiser explained how they are similar and different:

  • Both fruits are high in water, high in carbohydrates, and almost no fat. 100 g of oranges or tangerines provide the body with 4% of the recommended daily amount of carbohydrates.
  • Mandarins have slightly more calories – 53 per 100 g, while oranges only have 47 per 100 g.
  • Oranges twice as rich in vitamin C and folic acid as tangerines, but at the same time they have 3.5 times less vitamin A.

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Author: alex

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