An alcoholic drink that slows down aging and lowers cholesterol
The nutritionist said that moderate consumption of pink and red champagne wines can slow down the aging process, as these drinks contain antioxidants that “renew” the body.
It's all about the substances contained in the grape seeds.
– Red grapes and the substances contained in the seeds of red grapes have long been studied and widely used in medicine precisely as means, which have antioxidant properties, the expert noted.
According to her, the sparkling drink improves the condition of the skin and even reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol. In addition, it has a positive effect on the work of the brain and heart,
The doctor emphasized that it is necessary to know the measure and drink no more than one glass a day.
It should be noted that alcohol is contraindicated for some people in any quantities.
As for the properties of grape seeds, they can restrain the development of cancer, scientists report. In particular, they contain tocopherol, which is effective in protecting against breast, skin, and prostate cancer.
Previously, narcologists told how to detect a person's tendency to alcoholism. There are three questions they ask a patient who comes in for an appointment. The questions sound like this: “Did your loved ones ask you to stop drinking?”, “Have you ever been ashamed of what you did while intoxicated?”, “Have you had a desire to hang out in the morning?”. If you answered “yes” to all three questions, then there is a high probability that you have problems with alcohol.
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