An alternative to butter can cause insanity
The irreversible consequences of dementia prompt the scientific community to search for effective ways to prevent and treat it. Risk factors that can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle have been identified.
Yes, some dietary solutions can pose a threat to health, for example, a popular alternative to butter-margarine. Despite the fact that the product is subject to strong chemical processing, they are often replaced with butter made from cow cream. David Wiener, a training specialist at AI-powered fitness and lifestyle app Freeletics, says the chemical diacetyl in margarine causes the clumping of the beta-amyloid protein that characterizes dementia and Alzheimer's disease. “This ingredient can also increase the toxic effects of this protein in the brain,” the expert is quoted as saying.
By the way, margarine is regularly blacklisted as dangerous foods due to its traditional association with trans fats, a form of processed (hydrogenated) vegetable fat. oil, usually found in margarine, which is considered one of the most dangerous food additives. Trans fats are also found in vegetable oil, baked goods, ice cream, and fast food.
According to research, people with higher levels of trans fats in their blood may be 50-75% more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease or dementia. The scientists made these conclusions based on studying the lifestyle of more than 1,600 Japanese men and women without dementia for ten years. The researchers then took into account other factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking. They found that people with the two highest levels of trans fats were much more likely to develop dementia than those with the lowest.
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