An alternative to coffee: experts named the best types of morning tea

Tea is considered one of the most popular drinks in the world. When it comes to breakfast, many people prefer it, but few know which varieties are best to start the day. Experts say there are several good alternatives to morning coffee that will not only wake you up, but also help you focus.


Japanese tea will provide a powerful influx of energy. The same tea leaves as in green tea are used for its preparation, but they are processed in a different way. Since the leaves grown in the shade are selected, they have an extremely high level of caffeine and are practically resistant to oxidation. But despite this, the caffeine in matcha works just as well as the caffeine in any other tea. It gently but surely wakes up the body and keeps energy throughout the day. An additional bonus will be a large number of antioxidants that relieve inflammatory processes in the body.

Green tea

An alternative to matcha can be ordinary green tea. You can get all the bonuses of Japanese tea from this drink, but in smaller quantities. In terms of caffeine, a cup of green tea is about half as strong as a cup of coffee. On average, it contains about 30-50 mg of caffeine per 263 ml cup of drink.

Black tea

If you don't like the taste of green tea , you can replace it with black. The caffeine content in both drinks is approximately the same. Black tea is also rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body.

Green tea with mint

Mint is known for its ability to relieve stress , fatigue and relax the muscles. Another advantage will be fresh breath. In addition, peppermint oil improves concentration, so the tea is especially useful before the start of the work day.

Yerba Mate

Another excellent alternative to coffee. This South American tea is prepared from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant. Regular consumption of yerba mate offers many health benefits, which are provided by the high amount of antioxidants and amino acids. In addition, the drink contains more caffeine than a cup of green or black tea, which will help you wake up and get ready for the working day.

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Author: alex

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