An American doctor named the Top 7 rules that will help you live to 100 years old
An American doctor named the Top 7 rules that will help you not only live to 100 years old, but also make your life healthy. According to Dr. Yancey, they are not difficult to follow at all, and the result will please you.
In the first place of the Top 7 rules that help you live a long and healthy life is activity. According to the doctor, the less a person moves, the more likely he is to get cardiovascular diseases. A sedentary lifestyle takes about 4 years off your life. The second line went to cholesterol control. This analysis should be taken regularly. At the same time, you cannot allow the cholesterol level to be higher than 5, otherwise plaques will begin to form on the vessels. The third position is for proper nutrition. The doctor recommends giving up sweets and fatty foods and drinking as much fluid as possible. Next comes blood pressure control, especially after 45 years of age.
The fifth line went to the fight against excess weight. The doctor claims that you cannot allow yourself to get fat, since obesity is one of the main causes of diseases and premature death. In sixth place is blood sugar control. The doctor recommends not only monitoring the indicators, but also monitoring the correct diet, on which they depend. The rating is closed by the recommendation to quit smoking. According to the doctor, every fifth smoker dies from lung cancer, moreover, addiction to cigarettes leads to early aging, vascular diseases, tooth decay and other health problems.
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