An andrologist told how smoking kills a man's reproductive functions

Doctor andrologist – the urologist explained how bad habits, in particular smoking, affect a man's fertility.

Smoking kills not only the sense of smell and lungs, but also male fertility, that is, the ability to reproduce and procreate. Agree, it's not the most pleasant news.

“Smoking has a direct effect on the work of the respiratory organs, worsening the functioning of the lungs and the transport of oxygen into the blood. And oxygen is simply vital for the production of high-quality spermatozoa,” says the doctor.

Actually, smoking, starting a certain chain in the body, affects the work of all organs and systems. Let's imagine that our body has a switch from danger mode to safety mode and vice versa. Switches their adrenaline. And nicotine just stimulates the release of adrenaline.

As a result, the brain, heart, and lungs work to wear and tear, because their task in this mode is to survive. Naturally, the body turns off the reproductive function until more favorable times. If a person smokes systematically, the body lives in such an extraordinary mode constantly.

Harmful substances contained in cigarettes reduce the mobility of spermatozoa, their viability and integrity. Do not indulge yourself in the hope that hookah, cigar or electronic cigarette will work somehow differently. The principle of action is the same.

If you dream of a healthy child, the expert recommends reducing the dose of nicotine at least at the stage of pregnancy planning, and it is better to give up smoking altogether.

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Author: alex

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