An early sign of diabetes: the sensation in the mouth will indicate a dangerous condition

Diabetes may not manifest itself for a long time. However, if blood sugar levels are not controlled, this can lead to serious health problems, increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and reduce the body's protective functions. An unpleasant feeling in the mouth can be one of the signs of diabetes, experts say.

According to the information published on the website of the Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland Clinic), we are talking about constant thirst. It can be an indicator of hyperglycemia, a condition in which the blood sugar level is too high, which is often experienced by people with diabetes.

“Glucose (sugar) molecules are small enough to pass through the kidney's filtration system. Glucose attracts water like a sponge. As a result, the frequency of urination increases. When we lose excess fluid, we end up dehydrated,” experts explain. Therefore, people with diabetes may feel very thirsty all the time.

However, the cause of severe thirst is not always diabetes. It can be dehydration caused by overheating, intense sports activities, insufficient water consumption. Also, some medications can cause certain side effects, including thirst.

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Author: alex

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