An easy way was proposed to prevent diabetes and heart disease
Heart disease and type 2 diabetes are considered non-communicable or chronic diseases. Unlike viral infections, such as the common cold or flu, which are caused by one thing, chronic diseases are caused by several risk factors. They are similar in diabetes and heart disease, experts note.
Some of the factors cannot be changed: for example, age, gender and family history. However, acquired habits also affect these dangerous diseases. For example, nutrition, smoking and physical activity, said the senior program director of the Johns Hopkins Center nutritionist Becky Rumsing.
According to her, diet plays a big role in the prevention of chronic diseases. Eating a lot of ice cream once is not dangerous, but regular consumption of such products is dangerous.
“Studies show that people who regularly eat more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts and less red meat, processed meat, saturated fat, highly processed foods and sugar have lower rates of diabetes , and heart disease,” Ramsingh said.
A plant-based diet is one of the main ways to reduce the risk of these diseases, as such foods tend to contain more fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Plant-based foods also contain much less saturated fat.
Ramsing advised cutting out red meat and replacing it with legumes and lentils. Such a diet can lower blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.
“Whole grain products can be one of the most important groups of products for preventing diabetes,” explained the expert. “Whole grain consumption was associated with an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes,” the expert said. This is a serving of 16 g per day for men and women.
In addition, the key to preventing chronic diseases is exercise. Ramsing recommends taking a brisk walk, run or bike ride for 30 minutes every day.
Source storinka.com.ua
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