An egg for breakfast helps not to accumulate fat around the abdomen
According to scientists, chicken eggs are one of the best breakfast foods that prevent the accumulation of fat around the waist and abdomen.
A protruding stomach, a wide waist or an apple-shaped figure can be signs of visceral obesity, in which there is an accumulation of fat deposits in the area abdomen.
This type of obesity can be very dangerous, as fat is deposited in close proximity to the most important organs, increasing the risk of their inflammation. In the meantime, eating eggs for breakfast can be one of the surefire ways to combat this accumulation of fat around the belly.
“Eggs are a good choice for preventing belly fat or getting rid of fat. This effect is ensured by the high content of protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body,” – reported experts from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Experts specify that foods rich in protein provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety – their consumption increases levels satiety hormones and cholecystokinin. Cholecystokinin is a gut hormone released after a meal that aids digestion and reduces appetite.
In addition, protein helps lower the hunger hormone ghrelin and boost metabolism, which in turn speeds up the loss of visceral fat. .
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