An employee of Lviv OVA showed the middle finger when asked to stand during the national anthem: she was fired
On National Flag Day, an event was held in the center of Lviv in support of captured Ukrainian defenders and those who went missing.
The video of the incident was published on Facebook by the participant of the event, volunteer Lesya Menkush-Malkiv.
In the comment “UP. Life” woman said that on that day the event in support of military personnel began on Cathedral Square near the monument to Taras Shevchenko.
Later, about a thousand participants with flags and placards in their hands went to the building of the Lviv State Military Administration, where appealed to the local authorities.
According to Lesi, the activists camped in a square near OVA. They shouted slogans and used loudspeakers, thanks to which they were able to attract the attention of officials.
Participants of the event communicated with officials, who were asked to facilitate the return of Ukrainian soldiers from Russian captivity.< /p>
65-year-old Ms. Lesya admits that she could not carry out the entire action while standing, so at some point she decided to sit down on a bench near the monument to Vyacheslav Chornovola.
The volunteer sat down next to a woman who “didn't let go of her phone during the entire event”.
At the end of the action, the activists began to sing the national anthem – all those present stood up from the benches.
Ms. Lesya noticed that the woman next to her continued to sit on the bench, so the volunteer decided to gesture to her to get up.
“She started laughing in our faces,” recalls Lesya.
The video posted by the volunteer shows a woman sitting on a bench while the national anthem of Ukraine plays. Later, she shows her middle finger to the camera.
“I was horrified by such impudence and savagery, but we sang the anthem to the end,” says Ms. Lesya.
After that, the volunteer decided to turn to the police officers who were standing nearby, asking them to check the woman's documents.
“It is not known who it is. She was sitting there all the time, maybe she was filming us, throwing it somewhere. We are in wartime,” the volunteer explains.
According to Ms. Lesi, the woman, seeing that the law enforcement officers were moving in her direction, began to run away. However, the policemen managed to detain her and familiarize themselves with the documents.
The volunteer managed to photograph the pass and passport of the woman, who turned out to be Lydia Danko, an employee of the Lviv OVA.
After that, Lydia left and, as Lesya recalls, entered the premises of the regional administration.
“If I did not hear that she is an employee of the administration, I would certainly not publish the video. There are all kinds of people in Lviv. I myself was an employee of the district administration for 30 years, and I understand that disrespecting state symbols is a shame.
I am sorry, ashamed and very unpleasant. In the volunteer center, I constantly work with people who were in the war. My son was also in the war, he received more than one concussion. The war affected everyone very much, that's why we react to wild cases in this way,” said Ms. Lesya.
The volunteer admits that she does not feel resentment towards Lydia, so she does not think that the woman should ask her for forgiveness.< /p>
“She didn't offend me, she offended the state”, – believes Lesya.
In the comment “UP. Life” Director of the Department of Communication and Internal Policy of the Lviv Regional Government Yuriy Horun reported that Lidia Danko had indeed been an employee of the authority since 2017, but has not worked there since August 24, 2024.
According to the official, before that no strange behavior was observed behind the woman during the incident.
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