An excess of salt in the body causes ten dangerous diseases
Regardless of the type of salt, the amount of sodium in its composition is almost the same, writes Sözcü. Specialist in internal diseases, professor, Dr. Osman Erk, in an interview with the correspondent of the publication, talked about ten dangerous diseases caused by excessive consumption of this product.
Daily salt consumption should not exceed five grams (one teaspoon), however, in our country, this amount reaches 18 grams, draws attention to the specialist in internal diseases, professor, Dr. Osman Erk. “This situation also causes many serious diseases,” the expert stated.
Eating salt in moderation has important benefits for the body, from muscle movement to healthy nervous system functioning. However, scientific studies show that excess salt is harmful to health. In fact, we can get the five grams of salt we need per day from the foods we eat without adding salt to our food, says Dr. Osman Erk, an internal medicine specialist. The expert spoke about ten diseases caused by excessive salt consumption…
Danger in ready-made products
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume no more than five grams of salt per day. And in our country, salt consumption reaches 18 grams per day. In addition to the salt that we add to our food, many ready-made products such as bread, preserves, cheeses, sauces, sausages, sausages, snacks such as chips, restaurant meals also contain salt. Therefore, for a healthy lifestyle, we should try to reduce our salt intake.
Regardless of the source, it's all the same
Regardless of the type of salt, the amount of sodium in its composition is almost the same. There is no need to prefer one salt to another, judging by the minerals it contains. Rock and Himalayan salts contain very few minerals. In general, salt is not a product that should be preferred as a source of minerals.
These days, salt is used in food mainly as a preservative, but since there are already refrigerators and freezers for food storage, salt is not needed that much. Life without salt is unthinkable, but the sodium needed by the body is contained in natural products in sufficient quantities for daily needs. The Yanomami Indians living in Brazil consume less than 100 milligrams of salt per day, their blood pressure is around 100/60 millimeters of mercury, and hypertension is not observed in this community.
The only positive effect of refined salt
Refined salt is obtained by destroying the structure of sea and rock salts as a result of certain processes. All minerals and elements except sodium and chlorine are removed, the salt is bleached, washed with chemicals, heated at high temperatures and refined by adding certain chemicals, iodine and fluoride. Refined salt is the most insidious and closest enemy of our health. The only positive effect of refined salt is that it is rich in iodine.
Adding iodine to salt has reduced thyroid problems, especially in iodine-deficient regions. In many countries, 10-50 mg/kg of iodine is added to salt. At the same time, excessive salt consumption leads to an excess of iodine, which can cause hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter, and autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland. If the child in the mother's womb does not receive enough iodine during the period of 13-19 weeks, it negatively affects the development of the brain.
Attention to these problems!
Excessive salt consumption causes such diseases as hypertension, kidney failure, excess weight, joint pain, heart failure, stroke, stomach cancer, osteoporosis, activation of multiple sclerosis, cataracts. Many studies have found a positive relationship between stomach and kidney cancer and excessive salt consumption.
In addition, salt consumption plays an important role in the development of stomach cancer caused by Helicobacter pylori. Excessive salt consumption is one of the main causes of osteoporosis. There is a direct relationship between the amount of salt consumed and obesity. Those who consume more than ten grams of salt per day have more weight than those who consume less than this amount.
Excessive salt consumption causes fluid retention in the body. It also causes joint pain. High salt intake in childhood is a risk of developing hypertension in the future.
At the same time, limiting salt in infancy and childhood reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension in adulthood. In this regard, it is estimated that by reducing salt consumption from 8-18 grams per day to five-six grams, it is possible to save at least five million human lives.
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