An external sign that immediately issues health problems


Scientists from the University of Connecticuta.

Yes, periodontitis can provoke the appearance of cardiovascular ailments and diabetes. Dangerous bacteria from the oral cavity can easily enter the bloodstream, and from there spread throughout the body. It is quite common. If you do not start treatment in time, you can lose a tooth.

periodontitis can occur as a consequence of an indispensable caries: first, enamel is affected, then dentin. Elderly people are especially at risk. Pensioners, according to the study, suffer from caries twice as often as young people. For example, in the United States, about 64% of the elderly suffer from periodontitis.

caries are one of the most common reasons for contacting a dentist. This is called the lesions of solid tissues, which begins with the destruction of the enamel. If nothing is done, the carious process spreads deeper into

scientists have noted that even cleaning of teeth can be a dangerous process, as bacteria can penetrate into the bloodstream, if a person has problems with the condition of the oral cavity. Healthy teeth, accentuated by scientists – one of the signs of a healthy body.

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Author: alex

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