An ideal spice to prevent diabetes and prolong life
Studies show that certain spices can increase life expectancy, and cinnamon is ideal in this regard – it improves blood glucose levels and provides other health benefits.
< p>Cinnamon is known as a superspice, and it lives up to its reputation as an ideal natural remedy for preventing diabetes and prolonging life, experts from Diabetes UK (Great Britain) said.
“The spice is extremely rich in antioxidants, modulates oxidative stress, reduces inflammatory and allergic reactions, lowers circulating lipids, thereby protecting our cardiovascular system. It also plays the role of an adjuvant in anti-diabetic treatment,” experts state.
Doctors refer to a recent study that found that a diet rich in spices, including cinnamon, reduces the destructive effects of fatty foods on the body.
After eating food with a high fat content, the level of triglycerides in the blood increases, their chronically high concentration affects the development of heart diseases. The study participants, men aged 30-65 years, added two tablespoons of spices to the consumed fatty food. Blood samples showed that thanks to this, the level of antioxidants in the blood increased by 13 percent, and the level of triglycerides decreased by about 30 percent.
“The results of a clinical study show that cinnamon improves blood glucose and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes, weakens the influence of risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases”, – reported British experts.
According to their data, the use of one gram of cinnamon per day with general adherence to a healthy diet can increase sensitivity to insulin and help prevent type 2 diabetes or help reverse it.
In particular, the aromatic spice has a beneficial effect on cognitive function and the brain, effectively supports its cells after a brain injury or stroke.
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