An Indian doctor talked about the main keys to longevity
In order to live a long and fulfilling life, it is necessary to pay attention to the small details that make up its basis. First of all, this refers to eating habits. Although at first glance it may seem difficult to follow a healthy lifestyle, in fact, longevity can be ensured by quite simple rules.
Dr. Ameer Khan, an expert in the field of regenerative medicine, talks about the main dietary tricks that can significantly increase longevity life. According to him, first of all, you need to pay attention to the naturalness of the products. Today, many producers use antibiotics and drugs that accelerate the growth of animals, but it is best to buy meat and fish grown on natural feed.
In addition, Khan advised to eat carbohydrates in their pure form. There is a rule of thumb that low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates are much healthier than high GI carbohydrates. Therefore, the consumption of unprocessed carbohydrates is a prerequisite for longevity. “It is necessary to include various fruits and vegetables in the diet. The best are organic, as they are not exposed to pesticides,” explained the doctor.
In addition, it is worth controlling the size of the portions eaten. Animal studies show that reducing calorie intake by 10-50% per day can increase human lifespan. Human studies have shown a similar connection.
As Khan explained, calorie restriction helps to lose excess weight, which is a major risk factor for early death. Ideally, one serving should not exceed the size of the palm of your hand, which is about 75 grams, he added. Herbs and spices make food not only tastier, but also healthier. Many modern spices were previously used as medicines and, as modern research has shown, for good reason. These include black pepper, turmeric, parsley, oregano, cinnamon, and others.
Another secret to a long and healthy life is calcium and magnesium. These minerals are essential for bone health, protection against cancer, diabetes and heart disease. According to Khan, good sources of both are sardines, white beans, sesame seeds, almonds, leafy greens, broccoli, and goat cheese.
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