An oncologist listed habits that reduce the risk of developing cancer

According to the oncologist-chemotherapist, there are several habits that can be followed to reduce the risk of developing cancer in each specific case.

The doctor listed three habits that can reduce the risk of developing rectal or colon cancer:

  • balanced nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits, including alcohol;
  • additional rest.

“It is necessary to follow a balanced diet, limit the use of alcoholic beverages and other bad habits, rest more. All of this will reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer in each specific case,” he clarified.

In the interview, the doctor emphasized that one should not trust studies in which the danger of drinking alcohol for the development of cancer is downplayed.


The doctor clarified that people may not drink alcohol, but may take various alcohol-containing drugs, or drink drinks with alcohol in them, so the conclusions of such studies are not entirely true.

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Author: alex

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