An orchid will produce two flower stalks at once if you treat them with the drink of the pharaohs.
There are various means of feeding orchids. And among them there is one tincture that has simply magical power. It is prepared on the basis of hibiscus – the drink of the pharaohs.
What this plant can give orchids, other feedings are definitely not capable of. It is about stimulating the growth of double the number of flower stalks.
How to prepare hibiscus dressing
For 1.5 liters of water, you need to take a generous pinch of hibiscus. The water should be hot, 60-70 degrees. If you grow a Chinese rose at home or hibiscus, Sudanese rose, then you can take large flowers.
Even if they have faded and fallen off, save them for the orchid. So, if you have such flowers, you need 3 pieces. If not, then a generous pinch of store-bought hibiscus.
When the infusion cools down, it can be used. Pay attention to an important point. The hibiscus remedy is used only for spraying. Not for watering. For orchids, hibiscus water should be light pink.
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