An ordinary weed can become an assistant in the fight against heart disease
One of the causes of heart disease can be a violation of blood supply due to accumulated fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels. The consequences of such a serious condition can lead to death. To prevent the formation of plaques, doctors advise to change your lifestyle. In addition to physical exercises, doctors ask you to pay attention to your daily diet.
Yes, a weed that grows in many summer cottages – the dandelion – will help improve your condition. In ancient times, it was not considered so useless. Dandelion was used to treat many diseases, and even cancer.
Of course, modern medicine does not use this flower to treat malignant tumors, but it still has important beneficial properties for the body.
According to recent studies, some of the bioactive compounds in dandelion can lower cholesterol levels. This plant also contains many antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. This is stated in a study by the US National Library of Medicine.
“Our results show that treatment with dandelion root and leaves positively changed the activity of plasma antioxidant enzymes and the lipid profile in rabbits treated with cholesterol,” the study says. Thus, dandelion antioxidants are able to slow down the oxidation of cholesterol, which makes it so dangerous. So, the use of this plant can prevent the development of atherosclerosis or a heart attack.
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