An unexpected benefit of video games has been named

Regular use of video games provides a person with daily tasks that are necessary to maintain the sharpness of memory and thinking.

It is widely believed that the obsession with video games deprives a person of much more healthy activities such as walking in the fresh air, reading books or other physical activities.

Because of this a generally negative attitude towards video games has been formed in society, although their popularity is growing, especially among children and teenagers. But not so bad, as a new study by American scientists showed. They found that both daily video games and crossword puzzles are great ways to start the day with positive effects on brain health. are not fond of video games. People of this age group, who play words on a computer or smartphone, provide their brain with an additional load, which makes it possible to maintain the sharpness of memory and mental processes.

And this delays the decline of cognitive activity and other negative age changes But even young people with the help of video games can still maintain a certain level of functionality of their brain, of course, if the hobby does not turn into something like a pathology, as a result of which the teenager spends all his free time on these games.

Although. the exact mechanism of the positive impact of video games cannot be determined by experts, they have long established that regular exercise for the brain, including solving crosswords, learning a foreign language, learning to play musical instruments, etc., preserves the health and activity of this organ. This is the same challenge that we need every day in order, as they say, not to sour intellectually.

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Author: alex

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