Anti-aging diet: 5 foods that stop aging

Can we turn back time? There are many different creams, serums and lotions that are aimed at preserving youth. However, these funds may not help in the fight against old age, if you follow a not quite healthy diet.

Experts believe that proper nutrition is one of the proven ways to improve health and achieve longevity. A study by scientists from the Institute of Functional Medicine in Washington showed that some foods can have an anti-aging effect.

Dark green leafy vegetables

These include cabbage and spinach, which are rich in nutrients. According to a study, a diet rich in dark green leafy vegetables can stop aging by 2 years in 8 weeks by causing changes in DNA. To get the maximum effect, you need to eat two portions of this greens a day.


Herbs and spices

Studies have shown that adding half a teaspoon of turmeric to your diet every day can help your body reverse the aging process. Another product with a similar effect is rosemary. You need to add half a teaspoon of this herb to meals a day. Ginger, cinnamon, and red pepper are also beneficial.


All belonging to the onion family are important prebiotics necessary for good health. intestines And the work of the intestines affects the way a person looks on the outside.


Apples, pomegranates and tangerines contain antiaging nutrients. Including them in the diet can be the key to longevity. However, you need to pay attention to their sugar content. Too much of these fruits can lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar.

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Author: alex

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