Antiaging supplements: vitamin, mineral and protein for youthful skin

Anti-aging skin care is a multi-billion dollar business, but skin care experts say any product labeled “anti-aging” is probably “junk”!. Skin care expert and author of Skin Care: Complete Without Frills, Caroline Hirons believes that there are few ingredients in skin care that are actually anti-aging.

The blogger writes in her book: “some ingredients can called “prevention of aging”, because they do not reverse the signs of aging, but help to slow them down or prevent their deterioration”.


According to Slow experts Aging, selenium supplements may help slow the aging process.

“Selenium is of great interest because of its important role in enhancing the effectiveness of vitamin E, another nutrient that prevents tissue damage caused by free radicals. It is necessary for the production of selenoproteins, which are classified as antioxidant enzymes. As you age, the accumulation of free radicals causes irreversible damage to your cells and their DNA, increasing the risk of cancer and heart disease.”


Collagen gives structure and strength to your skin and other tissues, and collagen supplements and skin care products should make your skin look plumper and more youthful.

Your body makes its own collagen, but starting in your 20s, it produces 1 percent less collagen per year.

According to experts at Holland and Barrett, amino acids can be obtained from foods rich in protein such as lean meat, fish, nuts, seeds, soy products such as tofu, beans, legumes, and dairy products, such as cheese, eggs, milk, and yogurt.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is often considered the most important antioxidant because it protects cells from damage. The NHS explains that vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin and eyes and strengthens the body's natural defenses against disease and infection.

The vitamin can be found in a wide range of foods such as vegetable oils, nuts , wheat seeds and germ, but you can also take 4 mg per day if you are male or 3 mg per day if you are female in supplement form.

A doctor should be consulted before using any supplements. .

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Author: alex

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