Any difficulties will be bypassed: these signs of the Zodiac have the strongest character

If your favorite pan is covered with unattractive soot, and ordinary detergents and brushes do not help to solve this problem, do not despair. There is a simple and effective method that will help you get rid of soot once and for all. 

For this you will need funds that you probably already have in your kitchen. Here's how to remove soot from a pan using this technique.

You will need:

  • Baking soda.
  • Paper towels .
  • Coke.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Toothpaste.



  1. Preparing the pan: Unscrew the handle from the pan and place it in a convenient container or basin. This will make the cleaning process more convenient.
  2. Use of Coca-Cola: Pour Coca-Cola over the entire interior of the pan. Coca-Cola contains acids that will help break down the soot.
  3. Sprinkle the inside of the pan with baking soda. The baking soda will act as an abrasive and help remove the soot.
  4. Cover the baking soda with paper towels so that they cover the entire surface. Again, saturate the entire surface with Coca-Cola. This process will help the acids and baking soda to break down the scum.
  5. Turn the pan over and repeat the same process on the other side.
  6. Let the pan cool and soak up the remaining Coke and soda.
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  8. Any remaining carbon can be removed with baking soda, dishwashing liquid and toothpaste. Apply them to areas with soot, scrub thoroughly with a sponge until clean, then rinse under running water.
  9. After cleaning, fasten the pan handle back.

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Author: alex

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