Arterial hypertension: how to protect yourself from this harmful disease?
Millions of people suffer from arterial hypertension. It is considered dangerous because the disease can cause heart attack and stroke. Can it be protected from it? We have collected the most effective methods of protection against harmful illness.This is high blood pressure. The disease should be detected as early as possible, otherwise it can cause serious consequences. No wonder there is a term as “predhypertonia”. Until arterial hypertension has begun, this condition is diagnosed. Usually it is an increase in pressure to the following indications: 130-139 (“upper” or systolic) and 85-89 (“lower” or diastolic). Pre -hypertension is not a disease yet, but at the same time it indicates a critical condition. But a systematic increase in pressure can be a signal to visit a doctor. And if you do not want to bring yourself to hypertension, then you should follow the following rules
how to protect against hypertension
First, you need to constantly exercise. At least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week should be given exercises. This does not have to be purposeful training in the hall. It is quite appropriate to take 10,000 steps a day, to engage in any activity, such as skiing, play sports.
secondly, you need to limit salt intake. The older the person, the less salt she needs. Ideally, the figure should not be above 5 g of sodium chloride per day or even less.
Thirdly, keep properly nutrition. There should be less meat, more vegetables and fruits in the diet. The food should be low -fat, preferably cooked, steamed or grilled. It is also necessary to eat fish.
fourthly, hypertension will help to protect you from getting rid of excess weight. After all, kilograms over the norm often cause health problems, including the effect on the pressure.
fifth, if you do not want to earn hypertension, then you should give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are enemies of good mood, well-being and health as a whole.
sixth, getting rid of stress will help to get rid of the risks of hypertension. Of course, living without stress is unrealistic in general, but it is necessary to protect yourself from any influences – exciting, anxious, terrible. Suppression of negative emotions can cause the opposite reaction of the body. Therefore, it is important to relieve stress in order not to bring yourself to hypertension.
and finally, you need to monitor your well -being and at the first signs of high pressure consult a doctor.
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