As gardeners use tobacco to protect plants


It is quite obvious that pests are not indifferent to eat what to eat After all, instead of ubiquitous weeds, they stubbornly attack fruit and berry crops. The summer residents do not seem, and if you cannot invent something new against insects, they refine old but proven methods. as aphids. > Given the incredible fertility of the pest, the fight against it is included in the list of priority tasks. . There are solutions of household soap with various herbal infusions. But there is another undeserved forgotten method. Here's how to use a shag.

  • By drying and infusion, you can “hit” not only by the background, but also other pests that are parasitized on the beds. The infusion is prepared from five liters of water for two days, then the concentrate is diluted with five liters of water, filtered and sprayed with crops;
  • The most effective way is the summer residents of tobacco, hot pepper in 10 liters of water.

The composition should be infused for a day. The concentrate is then filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and sprayed leaves.

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Author: alex

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