As starch, it is used to increase the strawberry yield
Everyone loves strawberries. But it is difficult to grow large and sweet fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to use top dressing, otherwise you can forget about a high-quality berry harvest.
Summer residents know that there are many different fertilizers for this crop. But experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to one natural and cheap top dressing that will save the fruits. It is about starch.
However, this product allows strawberry seedlings to form stronger roots, and makes the berries themselves sweeter and larger.
You only need to mix 200 grams of starch with two liters of water and put on the stove. The liquid should be brought to a boil.
Then the resulting solution must be mixed with 10 liters of boiled clean water.
As soon as the fertilizer cools down, you can start watering the plants. The soil should be moistened abundantly.
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