As the body signals that a person has problems with alcohol


people often do not realize that their use of alcohol is a problem, doctors say. But the body begins to signal it much earlier than there may be obvious symptoms that no longer cause any doubt in alcoholism.

In particular, when alcohol abuse develops characteristic swelling and impact of the face – with increasing salivary glands in the area. This is due to the fact that the salivary glands are constantly stimulated by the intake of strong drinks and increased in size. A person cannot remember the moments that took place yesterday and the day, finding the remaining where the keys, forgets about arrangements and promises (and sincerely-really doesn't remember).

In addition, regular alcohol consumption affects the sexual function of both men and women: they disappear interest in sexual life. At the age of 40, men sharply falls in men. This feature is closely related to the next problem. The component of alcohol ethanol inhibits the production of an important leptin hormone responsible for adequate hunger and saturation. As a result, there is a failure in the mechanisms of appetite: a person begins to eat more than physiologically needs his body. But if you remember that alcohol causes men to lose testosterone, you can understand why the thick sex begins by the female type – full thighs, arms, breast grows.


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Author: alex

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