As they say in the Donbass: Interesting words that not all Ukrainians will understand

Trumpel use not only Donbass natives but also Kharkiv. This word means a hanger, or, as it is called – “shoulders.” In fact, it means a snack that has been taken from home.

“Blue” is the name of a popular vegetable that has received its name through color. People in the east of Ukraine are called eggplants.

Bamanets or Lamb is also associated with food. This is called the top of a slice of watermelon.  “Tolchyon” – in other words potato puree.

“Liba” . No less used word that has a simple explanation is a bicycle. called “Brassmatik” .

“transfer” – this word is used in everyday life when talking about an electric extension. Rich in their dialects and local dialects. They are an important part of the cultural identity of the inhabitants of a particular region and reflect their history, traditions and lifestyles.

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Author: alex

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