As with soda and hot water quickly clean the hood


every housewife does not like to wash the hood. The hood becomes fatty and dirty very quickly, because all the pairs of food rise up. This way you can easily cleanse even the greatest extract. Pour into a capacity convenient for you (such as a bucket or a large bowl). For the purpose of your safety, so as not to boil such an active reaction of soda and boiling water. If you need to turn, then each side for 10 minutes.

When you get the grates, then you will be delighted with the noticeable difference between the side that was already in the solution and the one that was waiting in turn. The result is visible to the naked eye. This solution dissolves fat perfectly and you do not need to make efforts to wash it. And all – your extract shines like new.

What to do if the hood is very dirty and the first time fat is not washed? Repeat this procedure several times and you will be happiness.

A very easy way. Minimum effort, money and time!

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Author: alex

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