Ash extract against fruit tree scab: how to make a solution for treatment
Various spots and deformed fruits may appear on fruit trees. Mostly such signs are characteristic of scab. This is a fungal disease. It most often appears on pears and apple trees.
Where does scab come from on fruit trees
No matter how much you want to completely protect yourself from fungal diseases, they constantly and unexpectedly appear. Scab spores are spread by the wind and birds. Spores can be brought to the site with seedlings, soil, humus.
How to treat trees
If it so happens that the trees are already affected by scab, in the fall they are treated with a urea solution at a concentration of 5-7%. Add 500-700 g of urea to 10 liters of water. Spray after the leaves fall.
Prevention is of great importance in maintaining the health of trees in the orchard. Therefore, it is recommended to treat with an ash extract. To do this, 0.5 liters of ash are poured into 10 liters of water. Let it brew for a day and filter. Then spray.
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