Astrologers have compiled a rating of Zodiac signs that are constantly offended
Some signs of the Zodiac offended by others – they cannot be happy for others no matter what.
They have a feeling that even if something good happens to someone but them, they will have nothing left.
Offended people will wish you well, but they won't mean a word, they're waiting for you to fail, fall and sink.
1. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio resents everything that it cannot control. For a Scorpio, if you don't fit into his plans, he resents your willingness to be free.
Another person's freedom bothers Scorpio because it means you can't do what they say, and they're constantly giving orders. If you show disobedience, you will be greatly hated.
2. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Pisces will use any excuse to take offense, and that's because they're jealous of just about anyone who comes along. If you have romantic happiness, forget about it – your Pisces friend will be terribly offended by you. If you have a “good body,” your Pisces friend will think you don't deserve it.
Pisces think they deserve the best, and anyone who has more than them causes their outrage.
3. AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Born jealous, Aquarians don't even stand a chance in a world without resentment. They are vulnerable by nature, and not only are they vicious. Aquarians aren't just offended, they seethe with hatred and obstinately dwell on all your accomplishments and glory until they find a way to rationalize why you have so much and they have so little.
Aquarians don't deny what they don't, they just despise you for what you have. Strong indignation of this group.
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