At the end of October, do not miss the vicious pest of garden trees: it's time to fight
In October, it's time to actively fight pests that are hiding for the winter. In the case of the stink bug, you need to be especially careful. This pest can significantly reduce the number of trees in the garden.
About the stink bug
Not only fruit trees can fall into the field of view of the pest. It also likes to settle in oak, birch, aspen, and poplar. As an adult, it is a gray butterfly that lays eggs under the bark of trees. Over time, the caterpillar settles in the trunk, where it gnaws through the passages. Such actions of the pest damage the sap flow of the tree, which leads to its death.
The caterpillar hibernates under the bark. Inspect the tree in the fall. You can see traces of its vital activity near it. Look for gnawed holes in the bark. Since June-July, the female moth lays eggs, and by the fall there is already a caterpillar. Look for where the eggs may have been laid, gnawed through the passages.
Damaged parts of the tree must be removed. Put cotton wool with insecticides in the passages. Or make an infusion with a syringe. If the trees are heavily populated by the pest, because the female lays from 20 to 70 eggs at a time, then the tree must be cut down and burned.
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