At what blood pressure do people live longer? The doctor explains

As the therapist explained Oleg Abakumov, it is better for health to have low blood pressure.

After comparing the life expectancy indicators of people with different blood pressure, therapist and pulmonologist Oleg Abakumov said in an interview that “hypotensives in this regard can outdo other people – on average, they live 10 years longer than people with a blood pressure level of 120/80”.

The doctor explained that the main damage caused by low blood pressure to health is reduced tone, quick fatigue due to stress, fatigue. When a person's well-being does not undergo any negative changes due to low blood pressure, it means that it is not a problem for the body, but is rather a feature of it.

In case of serious discomfort against the background of hypotension, the expert recommends checking the body – visiting a doctor and take a blood test. The cause of the deterioration may lie in a lack of iron, and it can only be accurately diagnosed by doctors.

Abakumov emphasized that high blood pressure is incomparably more dangerous for health and life – people with this problem are prone to heart attacks.< /p>

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Author: alex

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