Available products for lowering cholesterol are named: “they work effectively”
People who want to lower their cholesterol should pay attention to several products that effectively help achieve this goal.
If you're one of the many people whose LDL or HDL cholesterol levels don't meet expectations, add foods to your diet that have the ability to naturally support healthier cholesterol levels.
Prunes.Snacking on prunes provides the body with many nutrients that are key to heart health, including antioxidants, fiber, potassium and magnesium. According to data among postmenopausal women, eating five to six prunes daily for six months can have positive effects on the health of the cardiovascular system. In particular, there is an increase in the level of HDL cholesterol and a decrease in the ratio of total cholesterol.
Oats. Another available product for lowering cholesterol – this effect is provided by the beta-glucan fiber contained in oats. . This type of dietary fiber binds to LDL cholesterol in the body, helping to remove it before it passes through the intestines.
Potatoes. The humble potato provides the body with soluble fiber, a nutrient that can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the blood. But when including potatoes in your diet, choose baked or boiled – you need to do without frying and without using saturated fats.
Beans. Contains fiber, vegetable proteins, antioxidants and many other nutrients that support heart health. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating one cup of legumes daily for four weeks can lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
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